A List Of Winning Law Dissertation Topics To Write About

Law school is stereotyped as being one of the most challenging, competitive areas of education. Even so, you are still required to write a dissertation before earning your law degree. If you are not sure where to start, here are some topic ideas to get you going.

  1. America’s “War on Terror” and How it Has Impacted Criminal Law on an International Level
  2. Critical Problems that Face Those Determining the Nature, Extent, and Distribution of Crime
  3. Theoretical Analysis of Criminal Theory: What is a Crime and is There a Place for Morality in Criminal Law?
  4. Corporate Governance- Shareholders versus Stakeholders: Who Takes Priority?
  5. Minority Shareholder Rights: Remedies to Consider to Prevent Unfair Premises and Prejudices
  6. The Existence of Psychiatric Injury: Can it Be Proven and Compensated for?
  7. Intellectual Property and the Internet: How Can Intellectual Property be Protected in the Sharing Age?
  8. Remixing Intellectual Property: How Does Remixing a Song Impact its Distribution and Does Intellectual Property Limit this Art?
  9. Euthanasia in Hospitals vs. Right to Life: Is It Moral to Help Someone End their Life?
  10. Freedoms Provided to the Citizens of the United States and What they Imply
  11. Private Sector Banks: An Analysis of Outsourcing Policies Under Tort and International Laws
  12. The Criminal Detention System: Is Gender and Race Profiling Still an Issue?
  13. Cyber Laws and Net-Neutrality: What Reforms are Needed?
  14. The Legality to Bear Arms: What Context Was the Constitution Speaking of?
  15. The Need for Certainty of Intention when Establishing a Trust
  16. Trade Unions: Their Effect on Employment Laws in the United States
  17. An Analysis of the Current System of Arbitration in Place for International Transactions at a Commercial Level
  18. The Freedoms Granted by European Union Law and How they Have Impacted the Economy of the United Kingdom
  19. Occupier’s Liability: When is a Trespasser No Longer Considered a Trespasser?
  20. Duty of Care and the Issues of Causation

As you begin to write your law dissertation, it is important that you choose a good topic to help with your success.

Even if you do not choose one of the provided topics, hopefully they have given you ideas with which you can brainstorm your own topic. The next steps are to do your research, organize your paper, and write a law dissertation that will help you earn your degree.

Write Your Paper

As you take more time to write your paper you can conduct thorough research which can benefit you when your paper is completed. You have time to use more sources and you can choose good data without added pressure.

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